Thursday, February 21, 2013

Watch your comfort zone - Fear - Part 2.

Hey Guys,

Hope you had a wonderful week, and I’m just going to say I had a wonderful week as well..
Was at the Don Moen†f concert and it was wonderful…

                      So to finish what I started a few days back… Fear!!

Ok, so sometimes fear can come out of comforts as well? I know you are like huh!! I can explain..

Ok imagine a comfort zone in your life, it can be the current job, friend circle, the wrong person in your life, well the list can get pretty big, so just go ahead and think of all those areas of your life, and now comes the difficult part..

Think of all of those comfort zones as a prison, and consider you living there in that self created prison with a huge collection of cant’s, must’s and must not’s, and so many other beliefs without any founding rationales, give or take some negative thoughts and some accumulated thoughts and decisions reinforced during various stages of your lifetime.. Ok, now imagine fear to be each bar in that prison, that can be tight man!!

So, here’s something a great writer Michael Ignatieff wrote:
“Living fearlessly is not the same thing as never being afraid. It's good to be afraid occasionally. Fear is a great teacher. What's not good is living in fear, allowing fear to dictate your choices, allowing fear to define who you are.”

So guys stand up to fear take that risk, stop playing safe, refuse to settle for less than what you’re due, what you have sweat and labored for, and not less than what God has planned for you!!

So if fear is the devil, stand up to him today.. So make that big decision and pass the verdict on his face.

Go on guys live life nothing short of his plans, don’t limit yourself to the negatives and comfort zone. Live BIG with Christ!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dare your Fear - Part 1.

Hi guy's, I am back...

So here's a perspective on Fear and how to tackle it, we will discuss it in a series, hope you find this helpful.

Fear is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger, but often at times it leaves your mind with a block, that cannot be easily overcome. That’s when we the basic survival mechanism gives you the antagonistic effect.
Here’s when we need to dare the fear.
I was reading somewhere about how elephants are tamed and one of those things that came of interest was how animal trainers used to control a five-tonne elephant and keep it from running away. They did it by controlling the animal's thinking. When a baby elephant was being trained, a rope was put around its leg and then tied to a wooden post secured in the ground. The elephant, which was not yet very strong, pulled at the rope but was unable to break it or to pull up the post. Eventually it gave up. From that point forward when the elephant's leg was secured it believed it couldn't get away-even though it was fully capable of escaping, and had been for a long time. It remembered its struggle. That's one reason it's said, 'Elephants never forget.' And we are like that too. Our thinking limits us, just as an elephant's does. Usually it's because of fear.
The truth is fear can steal your dreams. You may be afraid of failure. You may be afraid of rejection. You may not want to make a fool of yourself. You may be afraid of trying because you believe you can't succeed. If you give in to these thoughts and believe that you can't achieve your dream, you'll be right-and therefore unable to achieve your dream. Often what we fear has no connection to reality. But here's the good news:
Fear can be overcome.
The first step to overcoming it is to believe God when He says about you: '...You are my servant; I have chosen not fear, for I am with you...I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand'
The words 'fear not' appear in the Bible all the way from Genesis to Revelation, since God understands that fear is not only our biggest enemy but our constant companion, and He wants to help us overcome it. It consists of a collection of "cant’s, musts, must-not’s," and other unfounded beliefs formed from all the negative thoughts and decisions you have accumulated and reinforced during your lifetime.
The good news is, because fears are feelings, the faulty ones can be removed by faith in God, and you can become free from them.