So what could be a true
expression that explains a gift, “A gift is something that is given to show
love or affection”, well then that has a simple logic – “ It is not something
you or I can earn”, remember the last time when you were kids, your parents offered
you promissory gifts for being good, or just in case you score that percentage
“something that was usually not achievable” the bars were usually high and then
you had to earn it, so categorically that does not fall under gift, they are
more or less reward’s that are given to motivate you to keep you motivated in doing
good or it’s a token of appreciation for the efforts you put in.
So when you talk about the First
major giveaway gift that God gave you, remember this – “It was a gift”, not
something you and I deserved, nor did we do anything to achieve or deserve it.
The first and foremost gift was
his son, no his only begotten son, Jesus.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
OK, so why is this taking the
first place of the other entire gift’s in the list and what makes this really
important, here are 3 reason’s:-
1.It's the costliest you'll
ever receive because it cost a father his own son.
2.It’s the only gift that has and will last forever.
3.It’s the only gift that can be a link or act as a bridge in forming a relationship between God and man.
2.It’s the only gift that has and will last forever.
3.It’s the only gift that can be a link or act as a bridge in forming a relationship between God and man.
So, remember Christmas is not
just about the birth of someone important, a prominent religious leader, a red
numeral on your calendar, or a season. It’s a gift that we have been given to
remind us that God made a way for sinful man to be able to live with Him, a
holy and righteous God.
All mankind has been born with a
sinful nature – “We didn’t have a choice of not being born to sin”. “For all have sinned and come
short of the glory of God.” (Romans
3:23) We could never be good enough to satisfy a holy God, for “all our righteousness’s are as filthy
rags.” (Isaiah 64:6) Because of our
sins we deserve death (eternal separation from God in Hell- Ya the part where
you are tossed and turned in the fire with a frozen still future). “For the wages of sin is death.”
(Romans 6:23a).
So thank God for the first major gift
or giveaway, “the birth of Jesus” because without that, we were holding a one
way ticket to hell.