Monday, July 11, 2011

Stress or did someone say change!!

Its been some time, since I have done some blogging, so I decided whatever happens, I'm doing some writting ... Well, the next challenge..."What to put in".. So let me start by what I and most of us are constantly going through - STRESS!!! 
I tried to look for some pictures and I pretty much liked the one I just posted here... "Hanging by the thread" , coming back to Stress, since we can't escape change and most importantly, the stress that goes with it, let's look at some ways to handle it!!
So here's a few:
1. Choose our battles wisely, dont jump into something you cannot handle.
2.Try becoming more adaptable, acceptance could also be the word that goes well here.
3.Welcome new experiences.
4.Learning to live with uncertanity.
Well, this I realise when we stop caring, life looses its charm and ironicaly, we end up being more stressed, also when moving forward in life, our surroundings are constantly going to change, yea change is inevitable. Well if they are not, trust me we're going in circles.
Phil 4: 11 says "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances"
Paul here says that he has learnt ( a process that took him some time), in whatsoever state to be content.

 Well that just means that clinging to the familar than accepting change, might buy you some comfort today, but trust me,that going to be at tomorrow's expense.
Like someone said " Trying to stabilise in an ever changing world is like trying to push water up hill - as soon as you get tired, or you stop, the water is just going to gush back on you!! So its best to learn to live with the loose ends that life holds, knowing that "He is in control", rather than trying to make sure that life happens on our term's.

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